
こうして配されたプログラムを成立させるフレーム(骨格)を縞(しま)状に連続させることで全体がつくられる。それは、ちょうど空間のCT-SCANを 撮ったような断面図の連続である。そうすることにより、プログラム同士の境界はなくなり、曖昧な領域としてプログラムが緩やかに連続する。

建築であり家具である物 ≒ 車・船

我々が今回竣工させたSCANは、建築としては小さなスケールであり、家具としては大きなスケールをもつものである。そして、それは車や船のようなもの で、限られた大きさの中で様々な用途が複合しつつもそれぞれは切り分けられておらず、ひとつながりのものである。

Material : OSB合板

This car showroom is located in a quiet countryside/area which still has many rural landscapes close to Mt.Ikoma in Osaka.
The showroom owner is a man in his forties who spent many years selling cars in America back in his in his twenties and thirties decades.
During this time, he worked in import and export of cars between Japan and America and gained a lot of knowledge about mechanical workings as well as car design and driving techniques. In time, the owner wanted people to know more about cars, as well as them to understand the special character that each car has, through the experience within the space.
It was then that we started to make the space oriented for the cars, perceiving it from the viewpoint of an architect or a furniture designer.
Naturally, the car contains different kinds of functions and elements within its body, for example, the motor power for driving, the comfort for driving for long distances, a frame for keeping the ヤcar shapeユ, safety and so on.
So, how then can we translate these functions and elements in to a program to create a space derived from these concepts? We had to determine the most important elements that would be expressed within the space. We interpreted the program to consist of a showroom to express (1) the motor power, (2) comfortably fitting it into the environment so as to connect the cars with people and (3) the frame/structure to form the desired space.
The result is that when you are in this space, this ヤspace (showroom)ユ gives you a feeling exceeding the idea of architecture, or furniture, as if you were traveling in a large car, or walking within the car. –







Hiroshi Kawano